Do I Need A Master Key System?

master key systemDO I NEED A KEY SYSTEM?

A master key system can benefit your apartment complex or property in many ways. Additionally, it can save you a lot of stress when many tenants are coming and going all the time.

Before deciding whether you need a key system or not, here are a few things you need to know first.

What is a Master Key System?

A master key system is a security system that uses a multi-tiered framework to grant different employees different levels of access to the business. In a master key system, the business owner gets a “Grand Master” key that opens every lock in the building. Employees, however, get keys that only open specific locks or allow access to specific parts of the building.

Advantages of Master Key Systems…

In practice, master key systems provide a variety of advantages:

  • Convenience: As the business owner, you only need one key to open every door in the business.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: When you have True Keys Services Gardena install a master key system, we can simply re-key your old locks, preventing you from needing to invest in expensive new hardware.
  • Security: You can design your system to give employees access to only the areas they need, enhancing the security of your business.
  • Efficiency: Because your employees can access the areas they need, your security system won’t get in the way of their productivity.
  • Control: When combined with a high-security lock, a master key system ensures no one will duplicate your key without your express permission.


Whether you need a simple two-tiered system or a complex system with several access tiers. Feel free to call us at (323) 244-2503 with any questions and to begin discussing your security needs. We hope to hear from you soon, and we look forward to helping you achieve total peace of mind.